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I downloaded it but i don't know how to run it.


Wow! This game will be a great MMO for sure! It's already pretty complete and has a nice story behind it! keep up the good work! 

Have you considered participating in our GDWC #gamedev contest? 

Check out our page for more info :) 


help me fix this error please!

"Could not initialize WebGl renderer:Type error:Cannot read property "Get Extension" of null"

These are the beginnings of a great MMO.


thank you ^^


I need a password to play the downloaded version.

what is it. I cant unzip it.


It would be very cool if it played on mobile platforms too


I can't seem to be able to move any items from my inventory, whether it is to equip it in my hotbar or sell it.  Whenever i try to drag the items, it instead gives me an image of the item, similar to what you get by dragging pictures from the internet, and it's telling me I can't drop it. Am i doing something wrong? you can't see it, but my cursor is a black ring with a line through it


Hello, thank you for your message. You're right if you play over and chrome this bug happens. Try to play over We will fix the bug as soon as possible.

plzzzzzzz hurry with the bug fix soon on this issue as im hooked on this game but it saddens me i cant make as much gold as other players and im hooked to this game

(1 edit)

Can’t sell any goods. Getting same bug when dragging items for selling. Using chrome and url

Trying to use safari but connecting popup at login screen never finishes 


Using Firefox makes no difference 

How is it possible that anyone could sell things playing that game using browser?



A great friend of mine and I did a video over this game and we plan to do a series over it. Even though its in pre-alpha there's so much to this game A massive open world, plenty of quests and lots to explore. I hope you are continuing to develop this because it has tons of potential. If you wanna check out our first episode its linked right here


hey I think I found a bugged tree in the lower left corner of the bandit camp


(attempting to play this on the web)  i may be 25yrs better, but the text here is so small that i can not read any of it without a magnifying glass held against the 25" screen. 

please try fullscreen mode by pressing F11


I have some problem, the text is small and too close each other. I think it because the font outline/stroke and some using inner shadow instead of outer shadow, which made my eyes become somewhat blurly. How about changing it? I know a colorfull game is good, but our health is more important.


The graphics are all messed up on a chrome book, other than that it is a great game. :)

There will soon be an update for mobile devices. That should fix the graphics


Thanks for publishing a downloadable version of the game!
If you develop it further, i'd love to have an option to zoom out a bit to see more of my surroundings - just as I do when I play in an browser


could there be in future updates be a way to store items from you inventory to like a secure location like a chest or something please


Would like to play without registering.  No guest user functionality?


Hello! When I try to enter the game only a black screen appears with the chat, my stats, map and among others, but the scenario and the rest not, sorry English I am using the translator (it is easier) thanks for the attention

soooooooooooooooooo, your french ?

Nope, Brazilian


this game takes years to load


Just played this game and like almost all of it.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

This is gonna make a great series... keep it up dev's, can't wait to see the finished product!!


Is there a way to expand backpacks currently?



Very good! You should make a downloadable version


I like it but I can't for the life of me figure out what to do with these books. 


The books are required for professions. You can learn them in the profession window. You can find the profession window either in the top left of the inventory or by pressing "K". Drag and drop the book in one of the free education slots or click on one of the slots and select the book in the menu which pops up. 

aheard my friend papyrus plays the game. but he stopped because sans would join him and make puns about birds, i think they are PECK-uliar! hahahahahahahaha get it?


Do you guys have any plane of making the game playable on mobile too? I think it would be really better to play the game on my phone.

(2 edits) (+1)

Could we get a dedicated downloadable thinclient? Even if it is just a barebones HTML5 wrapper then that's ok but just something please.  That way, you can put it up on Steam and make some real money and publicity :)

Also consider getting in touch with Radical Fish Games (of CrossCode fame) at and ask them about HTML5 optimization; sure they would love to provide a few pointers ;)

Bonus points if you can sneak in a CC reference into your game (and a reference to your game somewhere in CC itself).


If you use the app you can download the game and run it like a desktop game. We don't like to recommend people to go put their game somewhere else :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this multiplayer game, all graphical elements are pretty. But I think the player animation can being better. Good job and Keeit u


really cool game


Nice, was it made with WebSockets?


Nice little game, the UI is a bit clunky. I'd like controller support and maybe some sounds in the combat.


I just wanted to tell you I love this game.  It's fun and casual.  I've been playing for almost a week now.  Keep up the good work.

I agree with the others here, after playing it for a while it def needs a way to make the character faster. I would however introduce that mechanic through a quest in the first village instead of just adding it in. Maybe as a shoe item like seven league shoes or smth.


I do very much like the rest of the game till now tho and can't wait for new features

Thanks and see you in ^^


Dev have a patreon? 

If you want to support us then you are welcome to do so through the ingame shop. This supports us the most, since your donation comes directly and without detours to us. And in addition you also get something for your money.


I agree that it should be some button that makes the character go faster or run. Because everything is going in such a slow process that it takes time, that frustrates me a little bit, not much. But there should be something that makes the character go faster. Like pressing "shift".


Heyo! So, I played some of the game, and I think it has real potential! But the two things that kinda bug me a bit are that the text is kinda bulky and difficult to read, and that there isn't an option to run or make the character go faster. Other than those two points, I think it's really good!

Thanks for your feedback. We are planning mounts and other mechanics that will allow players to move faster in the future.

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