Roadmap (2024-07-25)

The roadmap got an overall update, to give an up to date overview of whats planned next. Be aware, this roadmap still only shows our current plan and can change at any time!

As the gitkraken board is now discontinued, I put a bit more effort into the visual roadmap below, to be able to post updated versions of it more often.

The three main goals for are still: adding some minor improvements, creating the level 40 zone and then creating the first main city for the game. You may have noticed, that there are way more sub goals now then in the previous version. This is to give a more realistic view and better understanding on how much work is still left.<

Below you see an overview of the current roadmap state. The bars beside the main goals and sub goals are progress bars for the sub goals which are completed. The percentage may not add up to the amount of goals, as single sub goals may have a bigger weight. The Count beside it shows how many sub goals are below the given one. The dots in front of the sub goals show the state of the entry. No color means, it is still to do, blue colored ones are currently in progress and green ones are done.

Goals which are already done, may not be on the live version yet and I will remove some of the done (sub) goals in future versions of the roadmap, to reduce the size a bit.

Check Roadmap image on


Like last time the goals listed are only going so far, as they make sense. For everything which is either planned for an unknown iteration or needs to be done in between, I added the "Other" goal.

Keep in mind that nothing on this roadmap is final and interruptions with other work can happen at any time. Examples of this would be the balancing improvements on lower levels as they were often a hard stop players trying to reach max level, the infrastructure improvements to get rid of the server issues or the events which gave an opportunity to try out some new features intended for the next zone.

Minor Improvements

This category has now way more items in it, as I decided to put way more of the smaller tasks/goals into it. That's also why this category now contains bugfixes and smaller improvements. Some of the goals which are not player facing are kept vague like "Editor fixes" and there are also some which don't show up at all in the list as they are somewhat confidential or not confirmed bugs on my side. There will be probably the most progress in this category over the next time.

Level 40 Zone

Most of the goals we listed in the last roadmap are still open. For this version I decided on listing all the sub goals in more details, so its getting more clear how much work a whole zone actually is, and also how much work already is done towards the zone. Some of the sub goals are still a sum of goals, as that would only unnecessarily make the list longer without any benefit in information. Example for this would be the quest goal or the item sub goals for the visuals. I will probably extend those goals as soon as we start progress on those, so its easier to monitor progress for those.

If you are wondering what the Areas 1 to 26 are, those are the sub areas in which the new zone will be divided. Those can be seen a bit as quest hubs you will later progress through. That is also the reason, why a lot of the goals will be completed area by area.

Besides the content there are also a few new feature and bugfix goals I want to add in conjunction with the new zone. Some of the goals like Set Bonuses and the trigger system may not come with this zone, as they may add too much complexity to release in one big update. But features like the trigger system may be a good goal which could be shifted to one of the seasonal event patches in the "Other" goal, which allow some testing of it.

For the level 40 dungeon goals, most of the above-mentioned points also apply. Only notable change here is the addition of the quest restriction for dungeon entrance, to force a progression through the dungeons. With that we are also no longer rely on the teleporter trick as it is used for Bitterburg dungeon or the dungeon key trick as its used for Glynphyra.

Main City

This goal is mostly the same as in the last roadmap. Only new goals in there are the mailboxes and the bank. Besides that the item linking in chat moved here from the minor improvements, as this makes a lot of sense to have together with the auction house. Even if we probably are going to allow more things to link in chat besides items. But that will be a bigger change for the chat. All the other goals for the main city will receive more details, as soon as we start the zone planning for it.


This new goal contains changes which are too big for the minor improvements or don't have a planned date yet. I will probably extend this list at a later point with missing goals which are somewhere already in my backlog and also often requested through suggestions.

Progress Updates

I hope through the more detailed version of the roadmap I can deliver on the "promise" to do more regular roadmap updates, as there are actually changes to it. Besides that I plan to do more streams again on Twitch, which got a bit sparse over the last year, were you can drop your feedback on the roadmap. Or if you don't want to wait for next stream our Discord is also always a good place to do so.


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