STEIN - First step of Localization (v0.3.4)



- The respawn times for the startquests items and those of the mobs have been significantly reduced.
- New calculation of groups XP. Players now get more XP when playing in a group than before.
- The T-Shirt at the Farshore Inn now has the right colour on the ground (blue)
- Players who have a significantly lower level than an opponent now get less XP
- In all large villages there are now new traders
- You can now also buy Stein.Accounts for Gems at special merchants
- A new language has been added: Polish - incomplete


- Added a new Error-Message for WebGLRenderer errors
- Start dialog of an NPC is now skipped if there is only one following option
- Full Account is now called Stein.Account because the old name has led to confusion
- The chat was limited to 256 characters.
- A help button was added in the Professions window
- There is now a language selection in the options

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed a Bug with the quest "Mysterious Jewelry"
- Players who are webbed can now rotate their character
- The chat no longer resets its position while scrolling when a new message arrives
- Quests items are now properly updated in the quest log when you trade them


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